The Sustainability of AAA Games

 Author: Vertette  Filed under: The industry  Posted: February 6, 2024 00:00:00

It's only been one month into the new year, and already things are looking dour for the video game industry. Last year we witnessed million dollar games flopping and investors pulling out of sizable deals, and now there's a swarm of layoffs and cancellations to add on top as well. I've actually been meaning to write about this topic for...

The Motivation of Indie Developers

 Author: Vertette  Filed under: Other  Posted: January 13, 2024 21:00:00

There are many stereotypes surrounding indie developers: we're pretentious, we can't handle criticism, we use the term "retro" to excuse our lack of art skills and so on. Though it might hurt to hear, we have to acknowledge that this reputation we have is well-deserved. It's even better to actively fight it, not just for the medium but to better...

The Passing of Time

 Author: Vertette  Filed under: Other  Posted: December 30, 2023 12:00:00

"I'll try to write something every two weeks at the very least"... Right, when was the last- ah snozzberries. My hope to write more in 2023 was both a success and a failure. A success because I kept it going for longer than I imagined, a failure because I didn't keep it going for as long as I wanted to...

The Story Integration of Deus Ex

 Author: Vertette  Filed under: Story design  Posted: November 9, 2023 20:30:00

Whenever video game enthusiasts start spewing the fires of the classic "are video games art" discussion everywhere again, certain titles typically come up regularly: Mother 3, Shadows of the Colossus, Journey and such. If you include gaming journalists' opinions into that discussion, however, you get some other more experimental titles in the mix like Gone Home, Sunset and Where the...

The Fun Factor of Uplink

 Author: Vertette  Filed under: Game design  Posted: October 26, 2023 20:00:00

Remember family computers? Before we had tablets, middle class families would buy overpriced computers from dodgy computer stores that the whole family got to share. As they were mostly used by children and adults who didn't have the slightest understanding of technology, it didn't take long for the family computer to down to a crawl, plagued by shady Kazaa downloads...

The Magic of Starfield

 Author: Vertette  Filed under: World design  Posted: October 16, 2023 00:00:00

Since the dawn of humanity, we've marvelled at the stars, wondering "what could be out there?" The answers we have right now might not even be that exciting, but the fascination we have with space continues anyway. The unknown never stops being interesting, and space is either an infinite unknown or very close to it. And like many of humanity's...

The Identity of Yooka-Laylee

 Author: Vertette  Filed under: Character design  Posted: October 8, 2023 15:00:00

How do you make a spiritual successor stand out? A spiritual successor (or a homage, clone, rip-off, whatever you want to call it) is very much a double-edged sword for game developers. On one hand it doesn't take much thought or experimentation to design them, but on the other hand, how exactly do you give these kinds of games their...

The Pixel Art of Salaryman Shi

 Author: Vertette  Filed under: Pixel art  Posted: October 1, 2023 14:00:00

It was late 2019. I was bored out of my skull, waiting for DJ Coco to fix up a build for Paperball so I could get back on testing, but I didn't feel like working on any particularly big project at the time. I looked around my hard drive looking for anything to do and found some old mock-up graphics...